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The P8S is a Bluetooth enabled air purifier that fits on the rear seat of a car, turning on when you start the engine. It uses two centrifugal fans to quickly cycle air — the makers estimate it takes two minutes to cleanse a 3 square-meter interior — through four layers: a steel mesh filter, a HEPA filter, and a “nanoscale carbon filter,” which is ostensibly for filtering out substances like formaldehyde, as well as bad odors. The P8S can also run at a little under 36 decibels, making it about as quiet as a library. Modal Craft synth 2.0 If you’re interested in making electronic music, but don’t want to lug around a ton of equipment — or if you simply don’t have thousands of dollars to drop on a big synthesizer setup — consider Modal Electronics’ latest creation, the Craft synth 2.0. It’s an evolution of their previous Craft design, which required users to assemble it themselves. Now, it comes in a sleek, minimalist package that nevertheless cranks out some impressive sounds.

The Craft 2.0 has an 8 key MIDI keyboard, and includes both DIN and USB MIDI connections, so users can plug it into a variety of devices. Users can experiment with 16 oscillator modifiers, 40 morphable waveforms, and the most immediately fun component, a sequenced arpeggiator. Best of all, you can charge it through a micro USB connection. Hive Explorer Want pets to bring a touch of nature to your home?
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Cats and dogs are traditional pets, and they’re fine — warm, furry, a little cliche though — but wouldn’t you prefer something a little stranger, like a writing mass of mealworms? The Hive Explorer is an Arduino-powered, mechanical ecosystem for raising mealworms in. It contains chambers for each stage of the worms’ life cycle, from inconspicuous egg to humble worm to majestic beetle. The Hive includes a heating plate to keep the insects warm, a fan to regulate humidity, and a HEPA filter to eliminate odors. Now, you may be wondering why you would want a flourishing mealworm colony.
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The Hive offers a lot of benefits. You can feed the worms leftover food, cutting down on your food waste, and the worms will deposit their waste in a fertilizer chamber, at which point you can harvest it and fertilize any plants you might have. The Hive is also a great learning tool for kids, enabling them to study the life cycle of insects and sustainability, perfect for budding entomologists.
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Finally, well, insects might be the food of the future, as they provide a lot of protein and have a much lower environmental impact than livestock. When the bombs fall, and civilization lies crumbled beneath a darkened sky, your mealworm collection might provide the long lasting sustenance you need. Nano1 astronomy camera Have you ever stared up at the night sky, gaze spreading out out across the distant, raging fires of stars long dead, and wished you could capture that image forever?
Unfortunately, cell phone cameras aren’t equipped for nighttime photography, and even a typical digital camera probably won’t be enough. That’s where the Nano1 comes in. It’s a tiny — the makers call it the world’s smallest astronomy camera — device that can nevertheless capture exquisite photos of the night sky. The Nano1 has a dual lens mount system, so you can attach both a small M12 lens and a larger cinema lens or even a telescope. The Nano1 also throws in some quality-of-life features for the modern photographer.
An augmented reality map on your smartphone shows you the precise locations of stars and constellations so you can line up the perfect shot of Orion’s Belt, and the Nano1 can automatically upload your photos to social media platforms.
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